Pricing is based on Square Footage (SF) of property. For every 1,000SF, price increases +$25.
Property up to 1,500sf = $175
Property 1,500 - 2,500sf = $200
Property 2,500 - 3,500sf = $225
Property 3,500 - 4,500sf = $250
Property pricing model continues....
I will deliver a minimum of 25 images, larger properties will have more photos.
Images are delivered via Dropbox and are ready the same day! Full size images are included for print/web marketing.
Time on site is typically 30-60 minutes depending on size of property.
Stand-alone service for aerial images of property = $125
*Aerial add-on to normal photography services = $50
Great for showing off the proximity of a property to local attractions (beaches, golf courses, waterways, etc)
All angles of the property included.
Will deliver 10+ images.